McQueen car cake.
Jogurt and blackberries cake.
This was Stephanie's cake for her 8th birthday- 22-12- 2011.
Truffle cake with mango.
Pirate cake Nov. 2010.
Mandarin cheese cake
The dog 2010.
Smile face.
Astray cake.2010.
Chocolate birthday cake with marsmalow incing 3,5kg
Wedding cake 5kg.
Clara's 5th birthday cake
Bear cake
Golf theme cake
Birthday cake
Birthday cake
Company celebration cake
Company celebration cake
Doll cake
Cat cake

The house of ''Tartu Katoliku Lasteaed'' cake

Thomas the train cake

Ötepaa golf club cake
Birthday cake
Birthday cake
Football cake

Train cake

Easter cake for Vicky Shaw
Birthday cake
Birthday cake
Teo - Vicky Shaw's dog