
Our food in pictures

Blueberry cheese cake.

Beef rolls with horseradish and cheese.

Pannacota with kumquast and papaya compote.
Mango Jelly with rasberry soup.

Trio agar with bailey shot.
Green mussels and garlic foam.
Green mussels and trio beetroot.

Salmon tartare with beetroot jelly and  milk polenta.
Tuna ceviche with avocado and chili popcorn.
Baby pork shank with hoisin sauce, pack choy and chili ginger sauce.
BBQ pork belly with salad.
                                     Wild pork stew with mash potatoes and spice tortila.
  Salmon is marinated with Aquavit and juniper berry and I served with sweet mustard sauce.
                                Spice pork skewers with blue cheese salad and fried tortila.
 Marinate trout with the dill, orange and lemon and serve with a Swedish cheese cake, lemon oil and baby salad.

                          Filet of deer with root vegetables, red wine sauce and horseradish sauce.
                                              Lobster soup with cod wraped in parma ham.
Baby pork shank with hoisin sauce served with wasaby mash potatoes and baby pack choy in soy chili ginger sauce.
Black olive tapenade with smoked croutons and cherry tomatoes .
Duck confit with spicy cauliflower and yogurt sauce.
Gaspacho jelly with Catalan herbs oil.

One of my best soup ever made of  Lobster bisque with salmon pate crouton and grill  Tiger prawns, garnished with fresh dill and herbs olive oil. 
Oven baked butter fish marinated with kumquasts and served on a bed of carrots mousse , with sea-buckthorn holandaise sauce
Moose Fillet with mash potatoes, dates puree and seasonal vegetables served with almond snow.

Duck liver pate with mango puree, dry figs compote and smoked croutons

Bbq beavers in a filo pastry basket with hoisin sauce and grilled  baby asparagus   
Baby rack of lamb with dates puree and cumin sweet potatoes.

Moose carpacio with horseradish sauce and baby salad.

Chicken satay with marinated julienne vegetables and peanut butter sauce.

Filo basket with avocado feta salad. 

Duck confit with braised red cabagge, mash potatoes and red wine sauce.

Moose meat balls stufed with mozzarella and sundried tomatoes, served with tomato salad and red onions marmelade . 

Smoked salmon pate with smoked bread croutons .

Smoked beaver and beaver tail served with home made marinated vegetables.

Maroccan Spicy Beaver soup .

Beaver in smoked plum sauce with jambalaya and coleslaw salad.
Sweet and sour pork.

Wine leaves stufed with minced meat served on polenta and toped with sour cream.

Chicken and white beans salad with orange vinegarete.


Lamb chops with grean beans and tomato salsa.

Baltic Hering with grilled baby asparagus, poached eggs and tarragon jogurt sauce.

Beetroot cured salmon served with egg butter, white radish salad, wasabi, ginger and soy dipping sauce.

Duck filo basket with red onions marmalade and cucumber salad.

Thai pork salad with rice noodles.

Watermelon, bacon and feta salad .

Gremolata mozzarella salad with smoked croutons and french vinegarete.

Grilled entrecote steak with wasabi and onion rings.

Lamb masala with wild rice, mango chutney and poppadoms.

Salted fillet steak of moose served on grilled asparagus, sweet potatoes mash, poached pears on wine, and parmesan bisquit.

Olive tapenade, sundried tomatoes pate and grilled tuna steak.

Beef confit with smashed potatoes, grean beans and creamy mushroom sauce.

 Here is my way of Thai chiken curry served with rice and spice banana.

 Here I made the curry with Wild board and served with rice, red curant chutney and fresh mint leaves.
                                          Beef and liver pie seved with sweet potato mash. 
                                    Salmon with pomegranate salsa and lemon butter sauce.
Tapioca caviar 4 ways - Black ink, spice soy, capuccino and strawberry.


  1. very nice Nico. I believe they are as well very tasty.

  2. tati mancarea ta este excelenta cum o fach

  3. Superb...delicios...felicitari !!!

  4. Incredibil! Felicitari pentru tot ceea ce faceti! Multumim pentru ca impartasiti si cu noi aceste retete minunate!

  5. un adevarat spectacol de creativitate...sincer,aveti tot respectul si toata recunostinta mea....sper din tot sufletul ca macar o data in viata sa pot sa degust ceva facut de voi...mult succes in continuare

  6. Nu am cuvinte, ca sa-mi exprim admiratia! Felicitari!
